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Sunday, October 01, 2006

Travel and Laughter

A Year In Provence (Peter Mayle)
About an English couple who set up home in Provence, Southern France. I read this book before I went to Provence and then lent it to my Dad while we were there.. And we both agreed that this was a fantastic read.. Quite funny and beautifully we got to experience first hand, the dreaded "Mistral" which featured so prominently in the story. This book reminds me of just how lucky we are to have the opportunity to travel and experience other fabulous cultures.. particularly the French!

Almost French: A New Life In Paris (Sarah Turnbull)
Also, keeping on the French theme, this was another good read. For me, I learnt just as much about our culture & values as Australians, as I did about the French.

Running A Hotel On The Roof Of The World: Five Years In Tibet (Alec Le Sueur)
This is absolutely HILARIOUS. It could also come under the "travel" genre, but it definitely tops the laughter stakes. It is the true story of a Frenchman (or Belgian? It has been years since I read this book.. which reminds me that I must read it again!!) who takes a job running an American chain hotel in Tibet.. and nothing is even close to "normal" by western standards..... Get ready for your jaw to ache from laughing.


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